Friday, November 28, 2014

If Nebraska wins this game...

...well, they don't deserve to. After kicking the ball up your own lineman's butt on a fumbled punt, to failing to understand that you can advance a blocked field goal... Iowa led this game 24-7, and Nebraska looked simply inept. Since the middle of the third quarter, though, they've come all the way back to lead, 28-24, mostly thanks to Ameer Abdullah, as usual for Nebraska.

UPDATE: When we get access to video of the last play of regulation (they're going into OT at 31 after an amazingly entertaining last few minutes of the fourth quarter!), we'll post it. Iowa tried a version of the old Boise State "Hook-and-Ladder" that ended with a left tackle having a legit shot at running it in for the game-winner!

...and the Cornhuskers win, 37-34. Sigh.

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