Tuesday, November 11, 2014

So, who's still IN?

All season long, ESPN has played the "Eliminator" game, voting teams off the island each week who no longer have a chance to make the four team College Football playoff. 

It's been an interesting exercise, not unlike our 128 team tiering of the whole of the FBS landscape - half of their teams were eliminated the first week (and in truth, as they admit today, could have been before the season), but they're down to nine teams: Alabama, Arizona St, Baylor, Florida St, Mississippi St, Ohio St, Ole Miss, Oregon, and TCU.

Do you agree with their list? Those nine teams comprise the six "Tier A" teams, the one "B+" team, and two of our five other "Tier B" teams (the others are Auburn, Nebraska, and Notre Dame; we would argue that Nebraska still has a shot).

They also have an "On The Fence" category, which makes no sense to us - either you have a chance, or you don't. Simple. For whatever it's worth, they list Arizona, Auburn, Duke, Georgia, Kansas St, Michigan St, Nebraska, and UCLA in that category. It's impossible for us to consider the two and three loss teams on that list as viable; they won't consider Duke, even though they could be a one-loss ACC champ with a defeat of Florida St on their resume; and that just leaves Nebraska, as we said before.

SO...ten teams. Four weeks to go. Several of them play each other; they all have some tough tests ahead of them. Right now, here's our pecking order (COMPLETELY subject to change on a weekly basis!) ---- but the fun is in following the football and finding out what happens!

1. Mississippi St
2. Alabama
3. Florida St
4. TCU
5. Oregon
6. Baylor
7. Ohio St
8. Arizona St
9. Nebraska
10. Ole Miss

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