Thursday, November 20, 2014

If anyone sees Buffalo, please report it to missing persons...

Last night's game between Kent St and Buffalo was cancelled on account of the 5-6 feet of lake effect snow that's swamping the city of Buffalo over the last 48 hours, with more on the way today. Here's an article from NBC News on the record snowfall - and "record snowfall" for Buffalo is really saying something!

How will it affect the potential game there Sunday between the Bills and the NY Jets? 

Firstly, if it can't be played, it can't be played. Odds are neither team will need to make it up, to be blunt - certainly not the Jersey Jettisons, and (alas) probably not Buffalo with twelve teams in the AFC at .500 or above right now fighting for six playoff spots.

But secondly, the Buffalo team can't even practice right now. They're conferencing via internet, studying film at home, and that sort of thing, because that's all they CAN do. 

Mark Schlereth of ESPN had some great points this morning, speaking on "Mike and Mike In The Morning" on ESPN Radio. The skills that every pro athlete uses every game - footwork, handwork, etc. - has to be honed every day in practice. Like a fine musician, missing one day of practice is devastating; missing a week is deadly. But his other point is more frightening - just because these athletes are paid doesn't mean they TRAIN like professionals. How many of the Buffalo players are treating this like a mini-vacation? Even if unintentionally, it's too easy to sit back, play with the kids, scan the sattelite dish for old movies or new sports, instead of working on your job, the one you're paid to be outstanding at. Come Sunday, assuming the game goes on, we may discover who on the Buffalo team made constructive use of the snow time - and who didn't.

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