Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Round and round she goes...where she stops...?

OK, so Calgary has the CFL West sewn up, even officially now. Edmonton's in, and we'll be watching Saskatchewan to see if they can maintain enough of a pulse to stay ahead of British Columbia for that third place slot (not entirely sure they WANT it, as long as they get in).

But the real fun is in the East, where Montreal and Hamilton currently have a one-game lead on the Toronto Argonauts...and over the last three weeks of the season (starting Saturday), the three teams play a round-robin against each other to conclude the season!

(I know!)

The TigerCats play in Toronto this Saturday, then Toronto goes to Montreal next week, and finally the Alouettes finish the season in Hamilton on the last day of the season, Saturday, Novermber 8th. It's very likely that game decides the division title AND the bye week in the playoffs, so it'll be vital to at LEAST "hold serve" when you host one of your rivals, and ideally WIN when you travel to the other. (We have the three teams all going 2-1 over the last three weeks and ending exactly as they are now - Cats and Montreal, tied for first. (I"ll be honest: I'm not sure how they settle that. I would use standings within the division, which would give the title to Montreal in our scenario.) Regardless, it'll be fun...and even MORE so because the West can steal a spot for one of its teams if its fourth place finisher has a better record than the East's third placer...and it looks like they will. (Our projections have the West's fourth place above the East's FIRST place...). So, it's NOT three spots they're fighting for... it's two! Which means it's NOT A MOOT POINT who's second and who's third if they just play each other in the first game - because they probably WON'T!

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