Thursday, October 23, 2014


Campus rivalries abound, of course, and once in a while one of the pranks makes news. Here's a story about the Michigan St / Michigan conflagration coming up this Saturday (the story also includes a few other recent tales, such as Alabama/Tennessee. 

It reminds me (this is Gordon speaking) of our pipe dream when I taught high school marching band. We often went to march at our opposing school's field when we played them in football, and quite often I would write the marching drill to include our initial in the field patterns (if our school's name started with K, we'd make a "K" on the field; same with "P" or "J", covering the four schools I spent time at).

Our devious plan (which we never carried out) was to stand in that formation on the enemy's field, and drop a handful of rye seed onto the grass. Ideally, the seed embeds itself, germinates, and in the spring the school is amazed to find a large letter celebrating their rival school growing on their football field! The lawsuits and punishments from our own school always dissuaded me, but man! Talk about a prank to live through the ages!

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