Thursday, October 23, 2014

Read this. Please. For the well-being of every potential victim of assault, read this.

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports has one of the most well-thought-out articles we've yet seen about the Jamies Winston alleged sexual assault on a fellow FSU student. 

Read this article. It doesn't tell you whether Winston DID or DIDN'T assault her. But that's not the point.

The point of the article is this: if you knew what the woman went through when she was attacked...and then YOU were assaulted? Would you report the attack, knowing what you were about to put yourself through? 

The Tallahassee police department, the FSU administration, and every person in power involved in this case should be completely ashamed of the miscarriage of justice that continues to take place here, just because the alleged perpetrator is a star athlete. It's not the victim who's being victimized a SECOND time that is the major issue here (as completely heinous as that is!). It's the fact that they've now dissuaded every woman in northern Florida (and possibly well beyond that) from reporting sexual assaults against them. They have essentially given rapists in their region complete free rein to terrorize anybody they want, because their victims will be too frightened of the system to come forward afterwards.

Please: the next time someone argues that sports don't have an effect of the way we live our life? Remember Jamies Winston, the FSU athletic department, and the Tallahassee PD.

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