Sunday, May 24, 2015

Here's the latest on the NFL's "Race To LA" - I think I'll make that a tag! - from MMQB. Apparently, San Diego and Oakland together have purchased the land needed in Carson (part of LA, just south of downtown) to build a joint stadium, all while saying it's their "back-up plan". Protestors in Oakland are wondering why the owner (Al Davis' son Mark) would hire Carmen Policy to spearhead the Carson project if it wasn't his first priority.

So, who's going to end up in LA? As with virtually every comments section on the 'Net, the rational commentary devolves into a dick-showing contest, but many of the commenters think like I do - why are we compelled to bring ANY team to LA? Los Angeles just isn't a pro football city! If one team needs a new home, and all three of those (including the St. Louis Rams) have a legit history in LA, that's fine. But it seems to me as if there are loyal enough fan bases of a good enough size in St. Louis and San Diego to make those locales work, and to make new stadium deals work if need be. Oakland, however, was left behind thirty-five years ago for LA for a reason. The Oakland Coliseum is a POS. That city doesn't have the finances to do what Davis wants, or for that matter what the NFL wants.

Move the Raiders - and just the Raiders - to Los Angeles, or more accurately Carson, CA. (And in twenty years or so, they can move back...)

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