Thursday, April 30, 2015

Here's the preposterousness of the NFL Draft coverage...

First of all, the fact that's covered like this at ALL is preposterous! But let that go for now...

Listening to the NBC Radio coverage while running errands this evening and several things made me chuckle.

"There are only about 15 to 18 first round grades in this draft..." Wait. But there are 32 first round picks, and you knew that going in. What, did you just think the last half of the round would just PASS?

"See, the next 25 choices could go in any order - Who I like at one you may like at 25, and vice versa." Gee, glad you're going to stick your neck out and make some predictions - take a stand, danged talking head!

"Next on the clock, the Dallas Cowboys - ALWAYS an exciting moment in the draft!" Really, numbnuts? Didn't sound like anyone got that excited when they picked some nobody...

(When selecting a cornerback from Connecticutt) "Strengths - he should be great in press coverage because he pivots so smoothly... Weaknesses - he'll need to improve in press coverage..." Say WHAT?

And the WORST part of this whole thing? I was actually LISTENING to this pablum!

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