Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome back to the Tim Tebow saga!

Welcome back to the Tim Tebow saga! Chip Kelly, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that he as a genius can make use of the inimitable talents of the Heisman winner, a proven leader but not a proven passer or NFL-caliber quarterback, although he does have an indescribable presence on the field that seems to lead to wins that you don't see possible otherwise. Personally, I'd take a shot with Tebow - as a person, he's a winner, and he brings that to a locker room. But you have to be willing to take on the media circus that comes with him, not that it's his fault. 

The general consensus, as Peter King of SI's Monday Morning Quarterback explains well in this piece, is that if it's going to work anywhere, it'll be in Philadelphia, with a Chip Kelly offense where Tebow is NOT the key piece, but the offense fits his style of play.

And, if the reports are true that he's been working on his throwing motion non-stop since his last gig with the Jets? Kelly may have a gold mine in his hand!

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